EWG is building a formal advocacy agenda to influence sustainable change – Join us on September 2, 2021

EWG is beginning a process to build a formal advocacy agenda to influence sustainable change.

We will hold our first working session, in person, on September 2, 2021 at the City Club of DC.

In that session, we will discuss the opportunity space – who will we seek to influence for the area(s) we select, when will they be seeking input from organizations like ours, who might we want to partner with for those area(s) – as well as discussing what process we’d like to use to engage with membership on identifying a few select substantive areas to advocate for.
To note – this is the first session! As such, and recognizing COVID risks, we are going to limit this in person session to no more than 25 attendees and follow DC guidelines regarding vaccination and mask requirements.

If you are unable to attend this session for any reason, but have thoughts that you’d like to send in advance of the session, please email them to [email protected]. If you’d like to be on the list for inclusion in future, virtual working-level discussions, please also let us know.

The cost to attend which includes dinner is $30. (with process fee is 33.46)

Please join us !

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